Monday, 21 November 2011


Conflict is an inevitable by-product of an interesting and challenging job.
Many active people thrieve on conflict and it can have a beneficial effect on physical and mental health. On the other hand conflict can be damaging as too much conflict can be harmfull.

Competition within an organization is potentially dangerous because it divide loyalties and hamper cooperations.

In modern wording conflict is likedrug, the correctdosage can be good for you but too much can bring damage.

Conditions leading to conflict

Certain social relationship characterize various kind of conflict behaviour. Each one could occure in your work area.

Ambiguous jurisdictions:
Conflict is greater when the lines that set each employee's jurisdiction(area of job responsibility) are unclear.

Conflict of Interest:
Conflict will greater when people's interest is diverge.

Communication  Barrier:
communication is greater when barrier to communication exist.

Dependence on one party:
Conflict will greater  when one party is depencence on another.

Differentiation in Organization:
Conflict is greater as the degree of differtiation or the division of labour in an organization increases.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Defination of leadership and its characterictics

leadership is generally defined as influence,the are or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards the achievement of group goals.

leadership is the ability to secure desirable action from a group of followers volentarily, without the use of coercion.

leadership is the lifting of man's vision to higher sights, enhencing of man's performance to higher standard, the building of man's personality beyond its normal limitations

characteristics of leadership
From the above definations the following characteristics may be deducted

1. leadership is a personnal quality of character and behaviour in man which enables him to exert internal personal influence.

2. leadership helps others in choosing and attaining specified goals to the maximum satisfaction of both the leader and the follower.

3. The leader leads his group with authority and confidence.

4. The leaders unifies his group and motivates the group to work for the attainment of a goal.

5. The leader establishes relationship between an individual and a group around some common interests.

6. leadership is the process of directing, guiding and influencing people to do their best for the attainment of a specified goal.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


leaders are are known by different designations in different organizations. In a family he is a head,in a tribe he is a chief. army designates its leaders as commender, a cricket team as captain. leader in business whatever designation he may be given he is a chief executive responsible for directing the management functions to achieve the set of objectives of the organization.

Difference betveen boss and leader

A pertinent question may be asked at this stage as to what is the difference between a boss and a leader when achief executive is funtioning as a leader? Can he be called a Chief boss? Earl p.strong answers these questions py pointing outof the fundamental difference between leadership and bossing.

The  boss                                                         The Leader
He derives and orders                                   he coaches and advice  
he depends on the authority                           he depends on his confidence and enthusiasm
he generate fear                                            he inspires enthusiasm
he fixes blame and finds faults                       he knows all the answers
he makes the work drudgery                        he make the work a game
he believes in I                                             he believes on we and you.

Saturday, 15 October 2011




  • It conduct by the groups elected officers.
  • Members include president, vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer.
  • Follow strict procedures.

In large Organizations Formal Meetings are held at regular intervals and are conducted by the groups elected officers. Following are the major officers
!. President
2. Vice-President
3. Recording Secretary
4. Correspondence Secratary
5. Treasurer

Formal Meetings follows strict procedures.Which is set of rules for conducting meeting.

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What is Meeting?

Bullet Point

  • Face to face communication
  • Percussive discussion
  • Gathering to three or more people
  • Take as less time as possible
  • Formal or informal.
Face to face communication among group of people is essential in certain phases of business.Meeting represent an important segment of business communication, because meeting can often achieve results that would be difficult to generate by phone or letter.

Percussive discussion among two or more people is a common definition of meeting.

A Meeting can be defined as a gathering of three or more people sharing common objective where communication(oral and written) is the primary means of achieving these objective.

A Meeting is effective when it achieves its objectives in a minimum amount of time to the satisfaction of the participants.

A Meeting can range from formal to very informal.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Oral communication has many advantages but oral communication is not always the best approach. It suffers from the following dis advantages.

1. NO EVIDENCE - There is no documentary proof of oral communication and as such the impact of oral communication is purely temporary.

2. NOT SUITABLE IN CERTAIN CASES - When the message to be delivered is too lengthy or complex, oral communication may not be suitable.

3. EXPENSIVE AND TIME CONSUMING - The biggest drawback of personal contact is the difficulty in arranging the communicators. When the people who meet are separated by longer distance  personal contact is expensive and time consuming.

4. NOT APPROPRIATE WHEN THE MATTER IS CONTROVERSIAL - A personal contact might also be unproductive if the contact antagonize one or more of th participants. If the personalities or subject is likely to make someone angry or defensive, then less confrontational forms of communication might be better.

5. SERIOUS DELIBERATION IS NOT POSSIBLE - Serious thought is not possible on the subject  because the receiver has to take an immediate derision in response to the  communication received.

6. MORE PRONE TO PHYSICAL NOISE - An oral message is more probability of getting distorted because of physical noise like inaudibility of speech, somebody interfering in between and likewise.

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1. SPEED - Once you make contact with your audience, there is no time lag between the transmission and reception of message. This is especially valuable when time is of essence; if you need to have the funds in an account released now, putting your request is a letter or memo won't be much help.

2. SPEAKER IS ABLE TO GET THE PERSONAL ATTENTION - You may spend hours drafting  a memo, letter or report only to have recipient scan it superficially or not read at all. In a personnel contact, however, you have much more command over the receiver's attention.

3. IT ALLOWS INSTANTANEOUS FEEDBACK - When you speak directly to one or more listeners, you can respond to questions as soon as they arise. You can rephrase or elaborate when your listeners seems confused and you can speed up if details are not necessary. You can revise quickly if you see you have used the wrong word and offended or confused your audience.

4. PERSONAL QUALITY - When a personal meeting goes well, the relationship that communicators develop can help solve the problems that might have been more difficult when handled at a distance. personal meetings are especially important is some cultures, where failure to visit someone in person is an insult.

5. CONFIDENTIALITY - Since oral communication does not create any record that can be seen by the persons for whom they are not intended, it helps in maintaining confidentiality of the matters.

6. SUPPLEMENTED BY NON VERBAL CLUE - The person receiving oral communication ca combine it with the expressions of non-verbal clues around the speaker, the message can be better understood.

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Oral communication is the communication by utilizing words, i.e Speaking. Speaking is the fastest, most direct type of communication. Every time we speak, our voice reveals our gender, age, geographic background and level of education, native birth emotional state and our relation with the person spoken to.All these clues are contained in even small fragments of speech and other people can readour voices with remarkable accuracy. when we speak we encode important information about ourself. when we listen to others we can decode important information about them.

Oral communication comes in many forms in an organization. It includes formal staff meetings, planned conferences and mass meetings. Here voice and delivery are important. Informal talks are suitable day-to-day liaision, directions, exchange or information, progress reviews and the maintenance of interpersonal relations. Telephone calls are used for quick checkup and for imparting or receiving information.
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The term 'Verbal denotes the use of words. i.e speaking or written - we call it verbal communication. The thoughts in words can be conveyed in the following ways



Monday, 10 October 2011


One of the way of communication is by using words either speech or written. Another is using the expressions other than words, like gestures postures, body language etc. A third mood of communication is circumstantial communication, that is, the people communicating make no deliberate effort, the message is conveyed by the way the thinks are. For example, the elaborate decor of one's office room conveys that he is holding a high position in the organization. we divide the discussion into two categories: 
Verbal Communication
Non-Verbal Communication.


The communication process is a loop that connects the senders and receiver and operates in both directions. communication is not complete until the original sender knows that the receiver understands the message.

The communication communication process involves eight basic elements: sender, encoding, message, transmission channel, receiver, decoding, noise and the feedback. Managers can improve communication skills by becoming aware of these elements and how they contribute to successful communication. communication can break down at any one of these elements.

1. Source(sender) - The communication process begin with the sender. sender wishes to send a message to the receiver. for example, a salesman making a presentation to the client, or a mother conveying her compassion to the kid, or a teaching students in a class - all are senders in the process of communication.

2. Message - The message is what the sender wants to convey to the receiver. It may be an idea, or feeling, or some information. You as a sender have to express your purpose in the form of a message.
Every message has a purpose or objective. The sender intends - whether consciously or unconsciously - to accomplish some think by communicating. In organizational contexts messages typically have a definite objective to motivate, to inform, to teach, to persuade, to entertain or to inspire. This definite purpose is, in fact one of the principal difference between casual conversation and managerial communication.

3. Encoding - to encode is to put a message into words or images. The sender organizes his message into a series of symbols - either written words or spoken words or gestures or any other symbolic act or a combination of these modes. This is termed as encoding of the message. there are three encoding skills: speaking,writing and body language.
Encoding the matter is a very important element of communication. Using appropriate words and symbols can make the message clear and effective.

4. Transmission channel - The channel is the medium of transmission from one person to anoter person. It is often inseparable from the message. For communication to be effective and efficient, the channel must be appropriate for the message. A phone conversation would be an unsuitable channel for transmitting the complex engineering diagram; overnight mail would be more appropriate. The need and requirement of the receiver must also be considered in selecting a channel of communication.

However one does not always have an option to choose the mode of communication. But one has, the right decision can make the message clearer and more effective. Such choices may be guided by habit or personnel preferences. One person my use the telephone because he dislike writing; another may continue to use handwriting when electronic mail whould be much more efficient. Both modes are appropriate in certain circumstances, so the manager must make individual decisions for each situation.


The communication is the process that connects the readers of a bookto the discussion made by the author. The communication is the process that connects you and yours friend via the announcement of her wedding.

Note, for example that each of the previous set of examples contained sender and a receiver and a message. The book written by the author to be read by its audience. 

The simplest model of communication process is as follow:

This model indicates three essential elements of communication; Obviously, if one of the elements is missing, no communication can take place. for example, we can send a message, but it is not heard or received by someone, no communication has occurred.


The importance of communication in business has all the more increased with the passage of time as the society is becoming more and more complex and the businesses are getting global. The factors responsible for growing importance of communication are as follow:

1. Global business environment- Now a days organizations operate at transnational level. This needs dealings with people of different cultures and language. The need of effective resultancy enhances communication.

2. Large scale operations - With the expanding economies, businesses are being done on large scale. Consequently size and decentralization of all the organization increase. Coordinating the whole affair needs effective communication.

3. Technological advancement - With fast moving technology, the methods and tecnhniques of work change very fast. Making people understand the newer ways of doing thinks needs effective communication.

4. Role of information - The organization need for information has increased. The business environment is changing very fast and to keep pace with this changing environment, organization have to be abreast with the latest.

5. Changing in management style - Earlier the style of working was - managment decide and orders and the workers perform. Over the period of time, there has been a substantial change in the appproach. Now the emphsis is on partcipative management.

6. Need for better humen relation and higher motivational level - With the growing aspirations of work force and its awareness, keeping the workers motivated and maintaining good relations with them is an important task of the management.

7. Increasing social role - Modern business is being recognized as a social institutio. It has to deal with different segments of the society in different capacities, such as its shareholders, customers, suppliers, trade unions, press etc.


Communication is asocial activity. Need to communicate arise whenever one being has to convey his message to another. The world of business is no different. It consist of organizations and individuals working and interacting with each other. thus we can see the communication from the perspective of an individual and from the prospective of an organization.

1. communication at individual lvel
             In business, one has to deal in person with all kinds of people. You may have to interact with people within your own company: these may be your colleagues or co-workers, superior or subordinates - who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the buildingor in another branch. you also have to deal with people from outside the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover these people may be friend, acquaintances or strangers - people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you. The relationship you have with the persons determine the kind of language you use. This relationship may even affect what  you say when you meet with people.: for example, it is not appropriate to say "Hi! How are you!" when meeting the Managing director of a large company. Remember also that your body language, gesture and expressions may tell people more about you than the words you use.

2. communication at organizational level 
               All managerial functions like planning, organizing, directing, coordination and controlling can be well performed with the tool of good communication.
The process of communication makes it possible for managers to carry out their task responsibilities. Information must be communicated to managers so that they will have a basis for planning; the plans must be communicated to others to be carried out. Organizing requires communicating with subordinates so that group goals can be achieved. Oral, written andincreasingly electronic communication arean essential part of controlling communication with others. the communication process is thus the foundation for the management functions.

Similarly, communication connects the organization with the outside world to its customers, suppiers, government authorities or anybody else. Effetive dealing with everybody requires good communication skills.

Not to forget the exchange of information which takes place within an organization and between organizations and environment. Information is very vital for the survival and prosperity of any organization inthe today'sfast changing environment. Passing and receiving information needs communication. more effetive the communication process more efficient and accurate the information will be.

A large share of managerial time is devoted to the activity of communication. Henry Mintazberg, management theorist has described the manager's job in three types of roles - interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. To perform all these roles efficiently, manager needs to be a good communicator.       

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The word communication derieved from the Latin word means "communicate"-to share,exchange,send along,transmit,talk,gesture,write,put in use relate. A number of definition have been given to the term"communication". a few important ones are:

"communication in its simplest form is conveying of information from one person to another"
"communication is the transfer of information from one person to another whether or not it elicits confidence"
communication is an exchange of facts,ideas,opinions or emotions by two or more"

Following are the main characteristics of communication

communication always happens between or among two or more parties- sender and receiver.

communication involve an"exchange- of facts,ideas,opinions,emotions or thoughts.

communication uses verbal ways like words (spoken or written), or non-verbal ways like gestures,postures etc

communication needs a mutuality of understanding between sender and receiver.

communication is a two-way process.


Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, it may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.

when a newly born baby cries,animal brays,bird scrips,bees hum,churches bell or knell, a mob agitates, a business tycoon presents,a doctor prescribes and a canceller counsels, a negotiator negotiates and a mediator mediates, or you have to see off your nearest and dearest by waving your hands, burning hands with parching tongue or when masses march out to reinstate the deposed chief judge communication happen.

Communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken words, symbols or actions 

Thursday, 6 October 2011




OCTOBER 1, 20___

Mr. John smith, Director
paragon Apparel Limited
West zone

Dear Mr. david

May we extend our warm welcome to ABC housing society? Mr.paul william, one of our valued customers and your neighbor, has told us about your shifting to the new house.

Our Department Store is the oldest and largest one in the area. Our product line is very vast extensive ranging from needless and safety pins to furniture, crockery and electronic products. We have lately received a sensational variety of foriegn attic and elegant items.

Home delivery and personal credit accounts make us different from others. Sales returns are also no problam.

We hope you will not only enjoy living in this society but also enjoy shopping at our store. Our sales staff is eagerly looking forward to receive you with your family in the store.

Yours sincerely,


Peter Evan, manager




DECEMBER 7, 20_____

Mr.Paul William
Abc Street

Dear Mr. William

Where have you been so long? We have missed you. Our valued customer like you are precious assets that keep us going. Weare generally concern with the welfare of our patrons.

That's why we have been wondering about you. New vatieties and stocks recently imported are awaiting you walking in. New thinks are of your taste and choice. Credit facility and home delivery are still in vogue for you.

Our cordial salesgirls are anxiously looking forward to welcoming you. we are avid to serve and please you.

Your truly,


Mr. james Tailor
Marketing manager




MUGUST 1, 20____

Mr.John Smith
42th street

Dear Mr. John

Liberty does not descend upon a people; they must sacrifice and arise themselves to it, In the creation of our beloved country there are many sacrifices of the people, any sacrifices their precious lives. To commemorate this great sacrifice the nation is going to celebrate with great zeal and favor country's day.

To join this occasion we are going to start a special rduction sales program for those the days. The special discount will range from a minimum of 25 percent to a max of 55 percent. You will have an opportunity to select from among choicest collection of exquisite articles according to your delicate and capital taste. We are not boasting or gimmicking; we don't claim to quality wizard, but it is people who call us so.

Come in early and choose your favoritr product which are treasured gifties. Right after the event prices will return to normal. You can take this advantage even before reduction sales starts . you will be happy you did.



Mr. David Thomas, manager

Wednesday, 5 October 2011




MAY 1, 20____

Mr. & Mrs. Smith
3/5 New york

Dear Mr. & Mrs Smith

Most of the people don't rely on annual sales, because they believe that all annual sales are fake. This is why most of the stores fails in making annual sales successfully.

Good luckDepartment Store has successfully dispelled this impression because when we announce reduced price, we mean it.

This year in sales program we have added a new variety of fresh stock of local and imported goods. This variety includes crockery, jewellery, readymade garments, shoes, imported and local books and magazines, wall-clocks and watches, cosmetics, toys and sports goods, knickknack, whatnols, bric-a-brac and odds and sods

The reduction goes from the least 20% to 50% for all goods. But the thinks do not end up here. there are special gifts will be given away free of cost.

The earlier you visit the store the better variety of goods will be yours. The sales will be over on the 30th may' 20___.

Yours sincerely


Mr. David, manager





MAY 1, 20___

Mr.Peter Thomas
2/3 42th street

Dear Mr. Peter

The other day I happened to be a guest at some of my friend's birthday party. When refreshment was served there I noticed that most of the guests including ladies, gents and kids scrambled for SWEET NECTAR. In a couple of minute the stock of it was finished. the host and the hostess looked puzzled and embarrassed.They apologize that SWEET NECTOR went out of stock so soon. However, they drew attention of the guests towards other drinks, but the guest looked indifferent and didsatisfied. At this situation the host had to ask the guests as to why they people were crazy for SWEET NECTOR.

One reply was "I could no longer like other drinks since I drank this nector because it always gave me max of satisfaction with coolness and gusto which it carries with it

The other reply "I get expensive with it which no other drink can make me that".

to test the truth why not you taste it today with your family.

Yours sincerely


Andrew Evans, manager





Dear Mr.smith
              "Taste is love of beauty"says emerson.
"It is the microscope of the judgment",suggested horace.
"taste is the literacy conscience of the soul" determines joubert.

               Taste determines what type of man you are. It does not develop overnight. People acquire it by work of time. "Giftie" has been serving as a taste maker in the world of elegance.

               You are a man of elegent taste. Our company giftie winter weight clothing has been tailored to fit your attic choice- and to keep you warm through the winter. we have unusual collection of coats, overcoats, pants, suits, waistcoats,sweaters, andcardiagans in exquisite and futuristic designs and shades. Our habit maker's mastery and expertise in cutting, designing sewing and stitching have achieved the height of fashion and excellence.

               Giftie gives the you the new look and you proudly move about in the parties, in the offices, in the meetings, and in the travels. you will get executive look in every detail.
               Giftie has money back gurantee. Just fill in your size, style and color you wanton the first trial order card which is postage paid. In case you are not satisfied, simply return it for a complete refund.

Your sincerely


William Smith, manager




May 1, 20___

Mr.James Thomas
abc street

Dear Mr. james

Don't read this letter if you have plenty of time. It is only for those who are overly buzy. It is for those whose every minute is precious. Therefore, the letter is for you.

Ticker, watches are popular the world over for their precious,businessmen and executives demand on it. It is their time_partner. They allocate their time and make appointments with its help. it makes you time- concious.

Ticker is versatile, elegant, irresistble, unmatched and un excelled. it has countless variety. Designs and functions. stopwarch, calculator, memory, telephone diary, appointments, day, date, year and various games and tucked into Ticker. first class services, spare parts and unbeatable prices are other details of Ticker watches. I am enclosing a brochure on Ticker variety.

If you send us enclosed postage paid envelop the desired wath will be in your hands in one week. if the watch is not according to your taste and requirement, we won't mint receiving it back.

Your sincerely


Robert Wilson, manager





MAY 17, 20____

MR. Michael Wilson
Manager Purchase
Smith Corpoartion
2nd Ring Road
Beijing, China

Mr. Michael wilson

Charles lamb once called work as that dry drundgery at the desk's dead wood. But modern tecnology has turned down this defination.

If the computers at the desk have made the office work interesting, the Derrick forklifts in the field have made the work of loading, unloading, shifting, and lifting a fun. What humen labor takes hours to perform, Derrick forklifts do it in minutes.

Powerful, durable engine,
efficient, reliable power brakes and steering,
Insuperable hydraulic power system.
Simplified maintenance with least downtime, and
Unbelievable economy in operation
Have made the workload nothing but a fun.
Even for some people it has become a money making machine.

You can choose to purchase, hore purchase or rent it. yes choice is yours! You save on cost, shoe leather and of course preciou time. It is truly a labor and money saving device. Derrick forklifts have a backup of warranty, after sales service and spare parts.

We are enclosing a leaflet containing all technical and engineering details of different models with different capacities. Should you need any furthur information, plese ring us



Paul Thomas, manager




Dear Mr. David

we don't remember the names and faces of our customers. It is so because they are legion. Moreever, once they purchase our shoes they don't need the others for the next two years.

Mani shoes manufactured by us are durable, soft, and comfortable. wear them thoughout the day but never feel fatigued. SO soft and comfortable! Mani are also so light that you may walk along with for miles untiringly.

Mani shoes are available in several varieties, qualities, sizes, color and makes. Pure leather, artificial leather, rubber and pvc shoes at reasonale price are always in our stock. Moccasins, boots, slippers, sandals, booties and long shoes for you, ladies, and children are available in choiceable varieties.

Purchase your favorite shoes now for yourself, wife, and kids and look more smart and elegent in Mani. They will add to your and your family's happiness.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our outlet.



bill gates, manager



KING PHOTONICS                                                                              PHONE:             
XYZ  STREEY NEWYORK                                                                                       MOBOLE:
USA                                                                                                                            FAX:

MARCH 1, 20----

Mr. jonh carry, Manager
elite photo house
7 main street
Newyork Usa

Dear Mr. John:

The world is growing fast. Every morning brings new tecnological changes in the world. The think that we used yesterday has became outdated and obsolete today. If you already have a photocopier you believe us that it became out of date no matter if you have purchased it the last week.

Our copier quickset is without any doubt ten yera advanced in tecnology. No major change in the tecnology of copier can make it obsolete in the next ten years. It produces color reprints. which is quite replica of the original. it produces 25 copies a minute. It has life of fifteen years. IT will pay back your investment only in one year; the rest fourteen years will be your profit.

A sensational range of varieties, top class quality, unbeatale prices, and effective after sale service have made the Quickest the King of all photo copier.

Purchase ten year advance tecnology at today's price, please ring us; a copier may be sent to demonstrate its working in your office.


S.  smith, manager