Tuesday, 11 October 2011


1. SPEED - Once you make contact with your audience, there is no time lag between the transmission and reception of message. This is especially valuable when time is of essence; if you need to have the funds in an account released now, putting your request is a letter or memo won't be much help.

2. SPEAKER IS ABLE TO GET THE PERSONAL ATTENTION - You may spend hours drafting  a memo, letter or report only to have recipient scan it superficially or not read at all. In a personnel contact, however, you have much more command over the receiver's attention.

3. IT ALLOWS INSTANTANEOUS FEEDBACK - When you speak directly to one or more listeners, you can respond to questions as soon as they arise. You can rephrase or elaborate when your listeners seems confused and you can speed up if details are not necessary. You can revise quickly if you see you have used the wrong word and offended or confused your audience.

4. PERSONAL QUALITY - When a personal meeting goes well, the relationship that communicators develop can help solve the problems that might have been more difficult when handled at a distance. personal meetings are especially important is some cultures, where failure to visit someone in person is an insult.

5. CONFIDENTIALITY - Since oral communication does not create any record that can be seen by the persons for whom they are not intended, it helps in maintaining confidentiality of the matters.

6. SUPPLEMENTED BY NON VERBAL CLUE - The person receiving oral communication ca combine it with the expressions of non-verbal clues around the speaker, the message can be better understood.

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