Monday, 21 November 2011


Conflict is an inevitable by-product of an interesting and challenging job.
Many active people thrieve on conflict and it can have a beneficial effect on physical and mental health. On the other hand conflict can be damaging as too much conflict can be harmfull.

Competition within an organization is potentially dangerous because it divide loyalties and hamper cooperations.

In modern wording conflict is likedrug, the correctdosage can be good for you but too much can bring damage.

Conditions leading to conflict

Certain social relationship characterize various kind of conflict behaviour. Each one could occure in your work area.

Ambiguous jurisdictions:
Conflict is greater when the lines that set each employee's jurisdiction(area of job responsibility) are unclear.

Conflict of Interest:
Conflict will greater when people's interest is diverge.

Communication  Barrier:
communication is greater when barrier to communication exist.

Dependence on one party:
Conflict will greater  when one party is depencence on another.

Differentiation in Organization:
Conflict is greater as the degree of differtiation or the division of labour in an organization increases.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Defination of leadership and its characterictics

leadership is generally defined as influence,the are or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards the achievement of group goals.

leadership is the ability to secure desirable action from a group of followers volentarily, without the use of coercion.

leadership is the lifting of man's vision to higher sights, enhencing of man's performance to higher standard, the building of man's personality beyond its normal limitations

characteristics of leadership
From the above definations the following characteristics may be deducted

1. leadership is a personnal quality of character and behaviour in man which enables him to exert internal personal influence.

2. leadership helps others in choosing and attaining specified goals to the maximum satisfaction of both the leader and the follower.

3. The leader leads his group with authority and confidence.

4. The leaders unifies his group and motivates the group to work for the attainment of a goal.

5. The leader establishes relationship between an individual and a group around some common interests.

6. leadership is the process of directing, guiding and influencing people to do their best for the attainment of a specified goal.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


leaders are are known by different designations in different organizations. In a family he is a head,in a tribe he is a chief. army designates its leaders as commender, a cricket team as captain. leader in business whatever designation he may be given he is a chief executive responsible for directing the management functions to achieve the set of objectives of the organization.

Difference betveen boss and leader

A pertinent question may be asked at this stage as to what is the difference between a boss and a leader when achief executive is funtioning as a leader? Can he be called a Chief boss? Earl p.strong answers these questions py pointing outof the fundamental difference between leadership and bossing.

The  boss                                                         The Leader
He derives and orders                                   he coaches and advice  
he depends on the authority                           he depends on his confidence and enthusiasm
he generate fear                                            he inspires enthusiasm
he fixes blame and finds faults                       he knows all the answers
he makes the work drudgery                        he make the work a game
he believes in I                                             he believes on we and you.